Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

Project maintained by Tadukoo Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Tadukoo Bible Update 8/22/2020

by Tadukoo - 22 Aug 2020

I’ve moved the information for Tadukoo Bible to this website finally (it used to be on my wiki - which includes a bunch of stuff I’ve done, and some more of that will likely move over here in the future, but not all of it). From now on, this site will be the main place for Tadukoo Bible information (specifically from its project page).

Tags: Bukkit, Minecraft, Programming, Tadukoo Bible

The Story Behind Tadukoo Bible

by Tadukoo - 22 Aug 2020

Note: This is being copied from the old wiki where I used to hold the information for Tadukoo Bible. It was written years ago as a standalone page for Tadukoo Bible, but to me seems more like it belongs as a blog post now. It will likely be updated as time goes on if I desire (like it has been in the past), but right now I’m just copying it.

Tags: Programming, Tadukoo Bible

Worldbuilding: Old Maps

by Tadukoo - 19 Aug 2020

Since this is the first post in the “Worldbuilding series”, I’ll be explaining a little bit about that now. Over the years, there have been a bunch of video games I’ve wanted to make. It ranges from typical RPGs, to Super Smash Bros. clones, to Pokemon-type games, to 1000 Blank White Cards, and more. I was more into the story of games (which is why I liked Super Smash Bros. Brawl’s Subspace Emissary), so most of my games involve worldbuilding. The worldbuilding I did ranges from game to game, as some I wrote more story and others I drew more maps, etc.

Tags: Games, OHRRPGCE, Worldbuilding

I’m Leaving Blogger (Blogger)

by Tadukoo - 09 Aug 2020

As of today, I’m officially leaving Blogger. I’m taking all my posts with me too. I’ve setup two websites for my future blogging and programming projects, and all my posts from here will be available on one of those websites moving forward.

Tags: Blog

Welcome to My Blog

by Tadukoo - 08 Aug 2020

Today I uploaded all of my old blogger posts to either this website or https://tadukooverse.github.io (my new open source organization’s website). The posts moved to that website relate to projects that I plan to transfer to that organization soon (Tadukoo Util, Tadukoo Engine/Launcher, and Tadukoo Bible Project).

Tags: Blog

A Whole New Year, A Dazzling Time I’ll Try to Use

by Tadukoo - 01 Jan 2017

Just like last year, I have new plans with the coming of the New Year. This year, I won’t be posting the new plans in the same format as last year (because frankly it was a terrible format, but to be fair it made sense for the amount of plans).

Tags: Beliefs, Christian, Tadukoo Bible Project

How Truth is Found (Tadukoo Bible Project)

by Tadukoo - 29 Dec 2016

I previously talked about the Tadukoo Bible Project. I mentioned that “any truth is God’s truth”. While that’s true, it has to be understood how you find truth.

Tags: Beliefs, Christian, Tadukoo Bible Project

How to be Creative (Tadukoo Bible Project)

by Tadukoo - 22 Dec 2016

The idea with being creative in the Tadukoo Bible Project can be misinterpreted (just like anything can be).

Tags: Beliefs, Tadukoo Bible Project

Tadukoo Bible Program Advances

by Tadukoo - 15 Dec 2016

The Tadukoo Bible Program is a program I’m working on that will replace the Tadukoo Bible Bukkit plugin.

Tags: Programming, Tadukoo Bible

Tadukoo Bible Reconciliation

by Tadukoo - 08 Dec 2016

I recently talked about my new goal being the Tadukoo Bible Project, and that things should either be reconciled to the new goal or stopped. This post is about how I can reconcile things to the new goal.

Tags: API, Engine, Games, Minecraft - Order of the Stone - A Retelling of the Cave Game, Minecraft with Tadukoo, TAG, Tadukoo Bible Project, Tadukooverse

Tadukoo Bible Project

by Tadukoo - 29 Nov 2016

Recently, I went looking for sources for my apologetics research. I ended up finding an e-book called Apologetics Challenge. The first challenge is to write a mission statement, so I did.

Tags: Christian, Programming, TAG, Tadukoo Bible Project, YouTube

Something Different (Blogger)

by Tadukoo - 14 Sep 2016

I’ve noticed that recently I’ve been posting a lot of “here’s my updated plans” posts. So I want to do something different this time.

Tags: Blogger

Update on Everything

by Tadukoo - 24 Aug 2016

The purpose of this post is basically to say what my current status is for a bunch of plans I have and where I plan to go with those plans. This is not to be a detailed list of all the plans, just a summary of the plans. Likely posts will be made in the future detailing specific plans more.

Tags: API, Blogger, Bukkit, CUR, Christian, Engine, Games, Minecraft - Order of the Stone - A Retelling of the Cave Game, Minecraft with Tadukoo, Proving Creation, Song Time, TAG, Tadukoo Bible, Tadukoo’s Tale, YouTube

New Game Plans

by Tadukoo - 20 Jul 2016

This post is to talk about my current plans for games. I’ll start by going over the plan for TAG and any changes to it, then into the other games, and a little bit about the current API and Engine plans.

Tags: API, Engine, Games, Programming, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D., TAG, Tadukoo RPGs

Something I Forgot

by Tadukoo - 21 May 2016

Just as a note before we get started, I always have to type and delete “so” at the beginning of every blog. “So” is my go-to word to start a sentence after thinking about it for a bit. If you see the word “so”, I probably thought about that part of the post for a while.

Tags: API, Engine, Games, Programming

Resolutions, Failures, and Changes (Oh My!)

by Tadukoo - 17 May 2016

I posted here before my New Year’s Resolutions (well, some of them), and I’m here now to say: I haven’t done them. At least not most of them. I haven’t touched TAG since February, I haven’t worked on other games or any Bukkit plugins at all, I didn’t work on upcoming series for YouTube, there is no season 2 of either Minecraft with Tadukoo or Minecraft: Order of the Stone: A Retelling of the Cave Game, and I didn’t make a compilation video for Minecraft with Tadukoo either.

Tags: Bukkit, CUR, Christian, Games, Minecraft with Tadukoo, Proving Creation, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D., Tadukoo Bible, Tadukoo’s Tale, YouTube

Doubting God (or am I?)

by Tadukoo - 10 May 2016

I’m gonna get straight to the point here. Last month or so, I believed that God was telling me to stop going to college for a year. By this, I mean instead of going back in the fall, I wait another year and go back the following fall. But now, I’m not so sure.

Tags: Beliefs, CUR, Christian, YouTube

Blog Status: May 10, 2016 (Blogger)

by Tadukoo - 10 May 2016

As you can see, I’ve been making about one post a month. I didn’t really plan that, it just sort of happened. I remember back in December and January, I thought I’d be making two posts a day every day. Of course that hasn’t happened, due to college and work taking a lot of time out of me.

Tags: Blogger

Why I Got into YouTube

by Tadukoo - 27 Apr 2016

It all started back in December 2012. Sometime that month, I was sitting down on the couch, reading my Bible. I read a verse and thought “that would be good for a video”. The problem with thinking that is I had no intentions to make any videos, so there’s no reason I’d ever think that. Immediately after I thought that, I had a vision of making a video for YouTube where I was talking about God.

Tags: Beliefs, CUR, Christian, YouTube

Why I Got Rid of Most of My YouTube Subscriptions

by Tadukoo - 17 Mar 2016

At the beginning of the day on March 11th, I was subscribed to 69 YouTube channels. That’s not some sort of sick joke, that’s the actual amount, and I didn’t plan it. Now I’m only subscribed to 14. I got rid of 55 subscriptions! So what happened?

Tags: Beliefs, Christian, YouTube

Thesaurus Funnies

by Tadukoo - 14 Feb 2016

So I was thinking about how people use Google Translate to get weird mis-translations of things. I’ve done it several times before. But then I remembered that the thesaurus has some weird synonyms for words, so I wondered what would happen if I went there and “translated” stuff?

Tags: And more

Update on Blog Status (Blogger)

by Tadukoo - 19 Jan 2016

When I first started the blog, I was doing two posts a day. I thought that I would end up doing two posts a day everyday. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen.

Tags: Blogger

Development of T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

by Tadukoo - 19 Jan 2016

I made the base engine that I planned on doing when I last talked about developing the game.

Tags: Games, Programming, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D., TAG

Explanation of Proving Creation

by Tadukoo - 06 Jan 2016

As I mentioned in the New Year’s Post, I plan to work on bringing Proving Creation to my YouTube channel this year. Proving Creation is a series that I had planned since February 2015. I had originally thought about it beforehand, but February 2015 was when I started forming the basic progression of the series.

Tags: Proving Creation, YouTube

New Year, New Plans

by Tadukoo - 01 Jan 2016

As I normally do at the new year, I try to make plans for where I’d like to get this year with stuff I’m working on. In this post, I’ll be showing my plans for the year for programming and YouTube.

Tags: Bukkit, Minecraft - Order of the Stone - A Retelling of the Cave Game, Minecraft with Tadukoo, Programming, Proving Creation, Song Time, TAG, Tadukoo Bible, Tadukoo Perms, Tadukoo’s Tale, Tadukooverse Reports

Current Game Plan

by Tadukoo - 01 Jan 2016

My current plan with my game (and beyond) is to get the API, Engine, and Game separation finished. That would get it to v. Also, then I would have an API and Engine upon which I can build various games.

Tags: API, Engine, Games, Programming, STSB, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

My Programming Journey

by Tadukoo - 31 Dec 2015

Before we get started, I’d like to note that I had to correct stuff in here, because it turns out I don’t remember the events as well as I thought.

Tags: Games, OHRRPGCE, Programming, STSB, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D., Tadukoo RPGs

The Flaws of Developing an API and Engine Bottom-Up Rather than Top-Down

by Tadukoo - 31 Dec 2015

When I first set out to develop an API for my game, I figured it wouldn’t be that hard. I wasn’t even thinking about separating the engine as well. When I realized I wanted to separate the engine, I thought I could just continue developing the API and the engine would drop out of it.

Tags: Games, Programming, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

Note on Blog Posts (Blogger)

by Tadukoo - 30 Dec 2015

For now with the blog, I’m going to limit myself to two posts a day, other than blog updates like this one. I’m also going to try starting tomorrow to spread the posts out more so that it’s not one post right after another.

Tags: Blogger

The Development of Pre-Alpha v.

by Tadukoo - 30 Dec 2015

The goal of v. started out innocent enough: Make extras and optimize the game. (Note: The extras were planned to be tic-tac-toe, snake, and moon lander). Eventually, the goal expanded to include adding sounds, a player select menu, being able to “hack” objects using codes for special easter eggs (or in some cases to progress the game perhaps?), achievements, improving the debugging stuff, improving the save system, making the controls configurable, making animations for going between areas, and having the areas mapped out in text files as a grid.

Tags: Games, Programming, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

The Development of My Game

by Tadukoo - 30 Dec 2015

The game has come a long way from the beginning until now. I ended up calling it “TAG” as a way to say it quickly. TAG came from the way I named the project folder in eclipse. I named it “TadukooAGame”, because I already had “TadukooGame” and A was the first letter of the alphabet.

Tags: Games, Programming, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

The Story of My Game

by Tadukoo - 30 Dec 2015

There’s a game I’ve been working on for over a year now. It originally started out as a joke, but then became an actual game, although it is very early in development. This post is about how the game started.

Tags: Games, Programming, T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

A Whole New Blog! (Blogger)

by Tadukoo - 30 Dec 2015

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever written a blog post before. If I have, I have no idea if I wrote one on this site or not or how long ago I first created this blog. It was long enough that I was using my old email address and had to transfer admin status.

Tags: Blogger