Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

It all started back in December 2012. Sometime that month, I was sitting down on the couch, reading my Bible. I read a verse and thought “that would be good for a video”. The problem with thinking that is I had no intentions to make any videos, so there’s no reason I’d ever think that. Immediately after I thought that, I had a vision of making a video for YouTube where I was talking about God.

I didn’t think much of it then, but I kept having similar thoughts involving making videos, including visions and hearing voices. On February 12, 2013, I was listening to “Unrestrained” by Jeremy Camp, and it inspired me to try to be “completely unrestrained” for God, giving up my fears to focus on God and the Bible (or something like that).

Sometime around then, I was recruited by the director of the dinner theater at church to make a video used to promote the dinner theater. The video was to the song “If You Died Tonight” by Big Daddy Weave (which can be viewed here).

In youth group, we were in a study called “#Jesus”, where the youth coordinator was trying to get us involved in the Bible using social media (it’s complicated). Anyway, we were grouped into teams, and were competing against each other for points. One of the ways to get points each week was to create a summary for the previous week’s study, and the most creative summary got extra points. Due to making the “If You Died Tonight” video, I ended up making a video for the “#You Must Be Born Again” study, to the song “Born Again” by Third Day (which can be viewed here). I got most creative for that week.

Around that point, I put the pieces together that God wanted me to get into YouTube, which involved fear for me (specifically shyness). So I prayed that God would give me a sign as one of the studies at youth group to confirm it. The next week’s study at youth group was “#Don’t Be Afraid, Just Believe”. I saw that it fit great with being “completely unrestrained” and that I could make a video out of it. I made a video called “Don’t Be Afraid”, which used “Unrestrained” and “We Need”, both by Jeremy Camp. I used the video as my inspiration for getting into YouTube and as an announcement that God wanted me to do it. That video was finished on March 5, 2013 (and can be viewed here).

From March to April, I tried recording videos for YouTube. It took multiple tests of my mic to get sound and recording software figured out. In early April, I successfully recorded a “Minecraft with Tadukoo”-type episode (which hasn’t been uploaded) and I recorded audio for an introduction video. What I realized from recording those is that I was still too nervous to make videos at the time, and that God wanted me to wait for a while yet.

Fast-forwarding to January 2015, I uploaded my first video to YouTube, “Awkward Beginnings”, the first episode of “Minecraft with Tadukoo” ( which can be viewed here).

Currently, I haven’t really created videos for God like I’ve planned to, but I’m getting there. From the earliest point, I believed that God also wanted me to make other videos in order to draw people into the channel who aren’t necessarily Christians. I’m planning to work on videos for God this summer.

I left out the waiting time between April 2013 and January 2015 because that’s a topic for another post, so stay aware for that one.


Beliefs, CUR, Christian, YouTube