Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

Project maintained by Tadukoo Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D.

T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D. is a game I started working on as a joke, but it quickly evolved into a real story-based game that I worked on for a long time.

Tadukoo Bible

Tadukoo Bible Tadukoo Bible is a plugin for Bukkit that allows you to read the Bible through commands or get it in Minecraft books. One Minecraft book contains several chapters of a book of the Bible, but Bible books are not mixed within Minecraft books (A new Bible book starts a new Minecraft book).

Tadukoo Essentials

Tadukoo Essentials will include various commands, an economy, permissions, and much more. It was originally meant as a replacement for Essentials for Tadukoo on his server, Tadukooverse.