Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

Project maintained by Tadukoo Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Tadukoo Essentials

Tadukoo Essentials will include various commands, an economy, permissions, and much more. It was originally meant as a replacement for Essentials for Tadukoo on his server, Tadukooverse.

Note: This project is on hiatus at best, and I don’t know if I’ll ever come back to it. Currently the content for it is copied from my old wiki and is outdated.

Tadukoo Plugin is a plugin currently in progress for Bukkit, it is being made for Minecraft 1.6.2, and will include various commands, an economy, permissions, and much more. Its purpose is as a plugin for Tadukooverse.

Tadukoo Plugin is in very early stages of development, so there’s not much in it yet, so there may be some features or commands that are just for testing at the moment. Also, Tadukoo Plugin is the working name. It may be changed in the future.


Current Features

Planned Features

There are so many that I’m not going to list them yet since this plugin is in such an early stage.


Note: the commands on this page may not be up to date, for the current listing, please view the plugin.yml file.

Key: <required> [optional]


/tport [player] <player>

/heal [player]

/kill <player>

/feed [player]

/starve <player>


/gamemode, /gm, and /gmt [player] [gamemode]

/gma and /adventure [player]

/gmc and /creative [player]

/gms and /survival [player]

/fly [player]



Tadukoo Plugin Permissions

Known Issues

Color codes don’t work.

Version History

Tadukoo Plugin History

Tadukoo Plugin is released under GNU’s general public license (GPLv3), more information can be found [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html here].