Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

Recently, I went looking for sources for my apologetics research. I ended up finding an e-book called Apologetics Challenge. The first challenge is to write a mission statement, so I did.

I wrote that I want “to creatively hand the world God’s knowledge and wisdom”. That is my goal in life now, and the basis of the Tadukoo Bible Project. I’ve realized that the other things I’ve done or am doing should either be reconciled to this goal or ceased, and I’ll write another post describing what will be reconciled and how in the future. This post is to explain the idea of the Tadukoo Bible Project and the things that are already included in it.

First I want to explain the goal better.

God’s knowledge and wisdom is primarily the Bible, but by extension any truth is God’s truth, so any truth can be included. I separate knowledge and wisdom, because knowledge means simply knowing something is true; wisdom means knowing how to apply that truth.

I say creatively to combine two different, but important, ideas. Those two ideas are “Wake our Wonder” and “Created to Create”. The name “Wake our Wonder” comes from Justin Ulrich as the speaker at River Valley Ranch (I went with youth group from my church to Winter Meltdown this year). He spoke about both ideas, essentially saying we’ve lost our sense of creativity and imagination. He said that “wow” is a very important prayer and that we’ve gotten familiar with the Bible stories and songs and essentially put God in a box so that we can’t be inspired anymore. He said that we need to seek God in relationship and accept His signs. So “Wake our Wonder” for my mission statement is to try to awaken that inspiration in others to help them get closer to God. “Created to Create” comes from Jon Jorgenson, but I like the way Justin Ulrich put it better (but Jon did put it very great). Justin said that anyone can be a master artist at a craft, and that it doesn’t have to be an art; it can be anything. Another way to think about “Created to Create” is the Fred Factor. The Fred Factor is a book about how anyone in any job can essentially go the extra mile to bring excellent service and be the best you can be to make everything better. “Created to Create” in my mission essentially means to be creative in how I “hand the world God’s knowledge and wisdom”.

By “hand the world”, I mean that I want to make it easily accessible and to make it available to as many people as God allows me to reach.

Currently, there’s only one thing in the Tadukoo Bible Project, which is the Tadukoo Bible Program. Back in 2013, I started working on a Bukkit plugin to allow you to read the Bible on Bukkit servers. On November 28, 2014, I finished it for all my original goals with it. Since then, I’ve made 2 updates to it. Earlier this month, I decided to make a program that will be able to be reused for other mediums (as in make it so it works for Bukkit and other server softwares and a stand-alone application and other things as I figure them out). I plan to have that finished (for Bukkit at least) by December 31st.

On December 7th, I’ll make a post talking about how other ideas will be or have been reconciled to the goal.


Christian, Programming, TAG, Tadukoo Bible Project, YouTube