Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

As I mentioned in the New Year’s Post, I plan to work on bringing Proving Creation to my YouTube channel this year. Proving Creation is a series that I had planned since February 2015. I had originally thought about it beforehand, but February 2015 was when I started forming the basic progression of the series.

The plan eventually became:

  1. Prove that a god/gods must exist. (Defeat Atheism and Agnosticism)
  2. Prove that there is only one God. (Defeat polytheistic religions)
  3. Prove that God is personal. (Defeat monotheistic religions that have a non-personal god)
  4. Prove that the God of the Bible is the true God. (Defeat monotheistic religions that have a personal god, excluding Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism)
  5. Prove that Islam is wrong (Prove their god is different from the Christian God)
  6. Prove that certain denominations have God wrong.
  7. Show other evidence that confirms the Bible.

I also had a way I planned to create/prepare the content for the series, but that may be for another post.

I’m not sure if the above plan is the order in which I will proceed with the series, but I’m glad that I’ve waited to create it. Since then I’ve heard many proof attempts for God’s existence. In some attempts, I’ve seen how they don’t work out with atheists (as there are other explanations that they can use), for example Thomas Aquinas’ first cause argument. Atheists say that the Big Bang can be the first cause.

But recently I stumbled across the Transcendental Argument for the existence of God. I have read people try to refute it, but the most substantial of those have been shown to not hold up (the TANG [Transcendental Argument for the Non-existence of God], for instance). I believe that the people attempting to refute it are simply misunderstanding the argument because of its complexity or wording.

So what I’d like to do is to understand the argument better and attempt to put it in my own words to use it for Proving Creation. The argument basically argues that God must exist for the Laws of Logic to exist, and since the Laws of Logic exist, God must exist. It’s more complicated than that of course, but that’s the basics of it.

I’ve been thinking I’d split the argument between proving that a god/gods must exist, and then proving that it must be a unique God, and then proving that it is the God of the Bible. As I get more into it, it will probably change more.


Proving Creation, YouTube