Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

I’ve noticed that recently I’ve been posting a lot of “here’s my updated plans” posts. So I want to do something different this time.

I want to look at the history of this blog. It’s weird to say that, because it seems like not too long ago I started it, but it has been eight months already.

Apparently according to my first post, I actually had made this blog at some point years ago, but never really used it. I had to switch the blog ownership to my current email address so I didn’t have to switch to my old one all the time to make posts here. That first post was on December 29th, and I listed the topics I’d discuss as programming, philosophy, theology, and YouTube. Looking at the history so far, it appears programming and YouTube got a lot of posts, but not so much (or really at all) philosophy and theology.

Later that same evening, I made a post about how I got into making TAG, including a short explanation of the working storyline. Looking at it now, it’s a great explanation of how I got started with it.

The next day, I wrote two more posts on TAG, specifically talking about the overall development so far and the current version’s development, respectively. The first of these posts was decent, but not as great as the post from the previous day, and it probably should have waited longer to be posted. The second post was also decent, but probably should have waited much longer to be posted due to having two recent posts about the game that had some overlapping content. Both of those posts mentioned at the end of them that another post was coming to talk about a specific portion of them in more detail, which was good, but again I should have waited longer to post them.

Before I was done posting on December 30th, I made “Note on Blog Posts”, where I limited myself to two posts per day and made a plan to not post one right after the other. The idea was by limiting myself, I wouldn’t just write a whole bunch of posts in a week and then rarely ever post again. Unfortunately, it seemed like that pretty much happened with the new year.

On the last day of the year, December 31st, I made two posts, one about an issue I had with making the API with TAG, and one about how I got into programming. Both were decent posts, but again I probably should have spread the posts out more.

January 1st, I made a post about wanting to make a smaller game with the API and Engine and the first detailed post about my current plans. The post about making a smaller game was good, but should have waited like other posts, but the detailed plan post was good and posted at a great time, with it being essentially a New Year’s resolution.

Then came the first break until January 6th, when I posted about Proving Creation. That post was decent and at an appropriate time. It explained what I plan to do with Proving Creation. Basically Proving Creation is the main Christian YouTube series I want to do and it’ll be apologetics, proving the Bible.

January 19th, I made two posts. The first was a kind of boring post about the TAG/API and Engine development. The second was one explaining that two posts a day won’t happen, but that I’d like to do one post a week at minimum.

We then got into the one-post-a-month stretch from February to April. The one in February was a weird post about using synonyms from a thesaurus in a similar way to using Google Translate to make weird translations of stuff. I mentioned in it that I considering using that to change the description of the blog and that the blog’s title came from a thesaurus. When I got on the blog in December, I went to to get a great name using synonyms. The March post was one where I talked of deleting a bunch of YouTube subscriptions. It’s a good read. It’s pretty self-explanatory when you read it. The April post was where I talked of God leading me into YouTube, again a good read if you have time.

In May, I broke the one-post-a-month pattern and made 4. The first was about how I’d be making a post at least every two weeks and hopefully once a week. That was the plan at least. It lasted that month only, as no posts happened in June. The next post in May was “Doubting God (or am I?)”, where I wrote about thinking God wanted me to take a year-long break from college and considering whether that was really what He wanted me to do or not. I have since decided it is, and the plans I talked about in the most recent post is essentially why. The other two posts in May were about updates to the plans and something I forgot I wanted to include in that update.

The next post was in July, another update on my programming plans. Then I posted in August with a new update to all my plans. So other than this post, the most recent four were about updates to my plans.

That’s why I want to do something different now and make more interesting posts about more varied topics than just updating my plans.

