Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

I’m gonna get straight to the point here. Last month or so, I believed that God was telling me to stop going to college for a year. By this, I mean instead of going back in the fall, I wait another year and go back the following fall. But now, I’m not so sure.

The problem lies with whether God really told me that or not. If He really did, then I should do it. If not, I still could, but probably shouldn’t (unless I figure out on my own that it would be better in some way). I was really confident back then that God was telling me that, but I didn’t really think to myself, “Is this God talking?” or anything like that.

Now figuring out whether it was God or not isn’t really doubting God, because you don’t know whether it’s really God or not. If you know for sure it’s God and question it, that’s doubting God.

So another question is what I’d be doing in that year. I would be working on my idea of CUR, where I’d be making YouTube videos for God (like the “Proving Creation” series, a series about what the Bible says, etc.). So based on what I’d be doing, it seems like God would be leading me to do it, but is He really?

What made me doubt in the first place was that the first person I talked to about it had a lot of doubt. Keep in mind it was another Christian. It appears this person really doesn’t want me to (for certain reasons I don’t want to go into here).

I went into figuring out what I’d have to do in order to take a year off of college and the consequences of doing so. The only consequence I can see right now is that I have to start paying on student loans for the year.

Anyway, my current plan is to decide by the end of July whether I want to or not. So by that point, I’ll probably post again of my decision.


Beliefs, CUR, Christian, YouTube