Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

The purpose of this post is basically to say what my current status is for a bunch of plans I have and where I plan to go with those plans. This is not to be a detailed list of all the plans, just a summary of the plans. Likely posts will be made in the future detailing specific plans more.


With TAG, I have done the Tengdev v. update, which was to add the remaining Prologue areas that were planned for the game and setup the passages to go between them. That was completed on time on July 31st.

Since then, I have simply been updating the game to newer API and Engine versions. The Player Select Menu is still planned for the end of this month, and the More Sounds/Halloween update, Certain Animations/Thanksgiving/Anniversary update, and Debug Improvements/Christmas update are still planned for their respective dates. The “Hacking” Basics update is now planned for January 31, 2017.

I have plans for 14 more updates from February 28 to July 10, 2017, which I will discuss in more detail in a later post.

If not already mentioned, at this point the API and Engine development are separate from the game’s development. This means that I do not have to necessarily update the game to newer API and Engine versions as they come out, so they will not negatively effect the game’s development.


For the TAPI, I’m mostly done with TAPI Alpha v.0.13.0, which was to improve the Box and Tab API. The next update is to remove the Location enums into TAG rather than the TAPI.

Also this month, I plan to improve all the Event APIs. Next month I plan to improve the Location, ProgramState, General, Configuration, Controls, and Abstract Engine APIs, thus bringing the API into a Beta state by September 23rd, assuming all goes to plan.

By Beta, I mean that everything currently planned to be put in it will be done, and it should be in a fairly stable state. I’m not sure what changes will happen from Beta to Release, and have no plans for that stage yet, but I will likely figure out something for it between now and the time Beta comes.


With TEngine, development is halted for now so that it doesn’t interfere with the API development. By September 25th, I plan to have it updated to the TAPI Beta version. At that point, development will resume on the Engine.

I plan to improve the main engine by the end of September, and then the Draw and Sound Engine by October 15th, thus bringing the Engine into a Beta state.

I mean the same thing with Beta here as I meant with the API, and the plans are the same.

Other Games

At this point, there are two other games that I’m in the planning stage for. One of them, I plan to use the TAPI and TEngine for, which will likely aid in the Beta development of those. I don’t want to go into details at this time on what that game is.

The other game will be made for Kongregate. The reason for this is to try to earn a bit of money quicker in game development rather than waiting until TAG earns money. It’s a tycoon game, and I’ve been teaching myself ActionScript3 in order to make it. It’s not far along, but I’m working on it.

As for any other games, I’m simply throwing around ideas at this point. I will likely make more games for Kongregate as it seems they’re less time consuming and could potentially be easy money earners.

Bukkit Plugins

I’m still planning to make updates to Tadukoo Bible at the ends of this month, October, and December.

I’m also now planning to get Tadukoo Perms to a Beta state by the end of the year.

As for other bukkit plugins, I have no current plans.

I’ll probably switch to Sponge sometime next year and begin transferring plugins to that rather than Bukkit, since Bukkit is pretty much dead now.

Minecraft YouTube Series

For Minecraft with Tadukoo, I plan to make a season 1 compilation video by the end of the month and upload it, and make an april fool’s highlights video and upload it at the end of September. I’m going to plan out season 2 by October 1st (for when to record it and upload it at least).

For Minecraft: Order of the Stone: A Retelling of the Cave Game, I’m planning to record some quiz maps to promote it by the end of this month and by September 10th, make a plan for when I’ll upload those and when season 2 will be.

With Tadukoo’s Tale (a planned series for the future), I plan to finish the first 5 episodes by the end of September and figure out a plan for the rest of the 1st season by then too, including an upload schedule.

At this time I have no current plans for Tadukooverse/Tadukooverse Reports or any other Minecraft series.

Other Gaming YouTube Series

I’m planning to have at least 3 TAG videos uploaded by November 9th. None are recorded yet, and I’m not sure when exactly I’ll record them, except that one will be the Halloween update. More will be planned after those 3 videos.

Currently no other gaming series are planned.

Christian YouTube Series

At this time, Song Time Season 2 is in a planning stage.

Proving Creation is a series that requires a lot of research. The research for topic 1 is being done now and will likely be done in September, when the uploads will be planned. It is possible that a promotional video or trailer will be uploaded first.

Criticizing Secular Stuff is in a planning stage.

Currently no other Christian series are planned, but many ideas are being tossed around.

This Blog

I believe I said before that I’d try to make at least 2 posts a month on this blog. Obviously that hasn’t happened as planned. I just checked and it was actually every 2 weeks. Either way, I’d still like to do that and I’d like to do it more frequently than that if possible.

The plan now is to write posts when the topic comes up. If I have something to share (e.g. a new game update that I can put a download for or a new video I can link to that I’m really proud of), I’ll make a post that day. Otherwise, I’ll just simply write the post (saving it as a draft to post later). If I only have one draft in the queue, I’ll wait 2 weeks to upload it from the previous post. If I have 2 drafts in the queue, I’ll only wait a week. If I have 3 or more posts, I’ll wait even shorter than that. So hopefully posts will appear more regularly that way.

As for topics that will appear in here, anything listed above (i.e. programming and YouTube) will be fair game, along with my beliefs as a Christian (or my beliefs in general). I’ve been keeping a belief journal for a while that I’d honestly like to post portions of at some point. I could also post jokes or about current events if I feel like it. Basically anything I want to put on here will be on here and whatever I don’t, won’t.


API, Blogger, Bukkit, CUR, Christian, Engine, Games, Minecraft - Order of the Stone - A Retelling of the Cave Game, Minecraft with Tadukoo, Proving Creation, Song Time, TAG, Tadukoo Bible, Tadukoo’s Tale, YouTube