Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

I recently talked about my new goal being the Tadukoo Bible Project, and that things should either be reconciled to the new goal or stopped. This post is about how I can reconcile things to the new goal.

Regarding TAG (the game I’ve worked on programming and have posted about multiple times), to reconcile it, I’d simply have to give it a good moral message (or multiple).

Any other games I would make would also need a good moral message or to be specifically about God.

The API and Engine I’ve been designing don’t really need reconciled, because they are tools to use to make other programs.

Minecraft with Tadukoo would change in some way that I’d talk about God or His knowledge and wisdom in the videos as the main subject.

Minecraft: Order of the Stone: A Retelling of the Cave Game would change so that I not only talk about the history of Minecraft, but events from those days in a Christian worldview and potentially my life in those days.

Any other YouTube series would also need to be reconciled if they’re not already Christian ideas (e.g. Proving Creation).

My server, Tadukooverse, would change so that it would have interactive Bible lessons on it (probably rewarding people who participate in them in some way, perhaps in a similar way as the Rules Test and Starting Bank Loan ideas were).

The wiki is being reconciled by being transformed to be about the Tadukoo Bible Project mainly.

This blog doesn’t need reconciled, because it’s simply a place for me to talk about what’s happening.


API, Engine, Games, Minecraft - Order of the Stone - A Retelling of the Cave Game, Minecraft with Tadukoo, TAG, Tadukoo Bible Project, Tadukooverse