Note: This blog post is from my old Blogger site, before I switched over to As such, there may be references to the old blog rather than this current one.

The idea with being creative in the Tadukoo Bible Project can be misinterpreted (just like anything can be).

For example, someone could think a way to be creative would be to present an idea that goes against what I believe and then refuting it and presenting my belief. While this is creative (and could be used honestly in the project), it can easily be done in a harmful way.

If I would present an idea as true for 15 minutes in a 30 minute video without any notes in those 15 minutes (or the title or description) that I don’t believe the idea, but then in the 2nd half of the video refute the idea and present my idea as true, it wouldn’t be good. Some people would quit watching in those 15 minutes with the idea that I believe whatever I was presenting, which would be giving them the wrong idea.

A better way to do it would be to include somewhere at the beginning (or in the title or description) that I’m simply presenting the idea and will refute it later (and I could include a link or note for when I get into refuting it), or I could instead present my idea first, and then refute the other idea at the end.

Basically, the Tadukoo Bible Project being creative is meant to awaken the sense of wonder that so many people lack, but not to mislead people (either on purpose or accidentally).


Beliefs, Tadukoo Bible Project