Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

Project maintained by Tadukoo Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D. v. Changelog

This changelog is for the T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D. project.

T.A.D.U.K.O.O. I.S. T.H.E. G.R.E.A.T.E.S.T. P.E.R.S.O.N. W.H.O. E.V.E.R. L.I.V.E.D. Changelog Navigation

Note: This page needs some work. It was copied from my old wiki and represented an in-progress page there too. The reason it’s been copied here is to not lose the information on it.

The goal of v. was originally to optimize the game, but eventually it added so many other ideas, including a Player Select screen, being able to “hack” objects, having achievements, adding more sounds, making a more useful debug system, improving the save system, making controls configurable, adding animations when transitioning between areas, and having the areas generated from map files. Most of the ideas have simply been pushed back to later versions, but some have been scrapped. Of the ones listed, the only one scrapped was the areas generated from map files.

Eventually, the goal of v. was settled on splitting the game between API, Engine, and Game.

During development of this version, the version system went through a few changes.

Table of Contents


TODO: List changes

This revision added the basics of the Sound system. This revision was still short, like the previous revisions.


TODO: List changes

For this revision, I decided that revisions should have more done in them to be released. Due to this, and the fact that I didn’t work on it consistently, R100 took two months to complete.

v. DEV

TODO: List changes

R101 was a long update as well, and took about two months too. It was labeled DEV as being towards v.

v. DEV

TODO: List changes

R102 took 4 months, another long update with more breaks in between progress this time. It was labeled as DEV to continue the new version system idea from R101.


TODO: List changes

For v. it was decided that there would be a minor goal for each v.0.0.0.# release, and that all the builds working up to that would be DEV.

The goal of v. was to implement the interact functions in interactable objects and have them used by Locations.


TODO: List changes

It became easy to tell that not every minor version would have DEVs associated with it as this version took one build to complete.

The goal of v. was to remove the leftover Extras stuff (since the Extras menu was previously removed).


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to remove any warnings in eclipse that were produced from previous changes.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to use the interact methods in the areas (it was still set-up that the areas had complete control of Player interactions with objects).


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make the Entity class into an API class.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to comment all of the current API code and make improvements to it where necessary.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make the Event API and use it.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make EventSeries where they were used in the game (e.g. the intro cutscene and the little bed scene).


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make the Location API.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to actually use the Location API.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to turn the calculations classes into API classes.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make a Game API class and to have the main game class extend from it.


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make Box API (for the box at the top of the screen during the game).


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. was to make the basics of the Drawing Engine. It was originally to make the entire drawing engine, but it will be easier to complete the Drawing Engine after the GameState API is set-up (and possibly after model and controller are separated in the API).


TODO: List changes

The goal of v. is to make an Object API class called InteractableBlock for blocks (such as Lava in the Test Area) to be able to interact with Entities.