Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

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Lucario and Lickilicky's Adventure Gold Version

With Gold version, I decided to make the story into a saga, with all the previous versions technically being canon. It was started on April 10, 2011.

This is the table of contents for Lucario and Lickilicky's Adventure (Gold Version).

Part 1: Pikmin

Part 1 involves Lickilicky retelling the story of him and Lucario going to the Pikmin Planet.

Note: Technically there are more headings above “Part 1: Pikmin” for this section of the story (it was going to have multiple levels of headings). It included the following:

  • Super Pack 1: The Distant Past
  • Package 1: The Original Story
  • Book 1: Blue

So “Book 1: Blue” referred to the fact we were retelling Blue Version, and there would have been “Books” for the other versions too. I have no idea how many differences would exist in the different versions of the story, but it would’ve likely been very repetitive.

Those “Books” would make up the “Package 1: The Original Story”, before we move on to whatever’s next in “Super Pack 1: The Distant Past”. I have no idea what “The Distant Past” refers to. My best guess is that the introduction in the prologue is supposed to mean that this journal is all past events, and eventually we’d switch to the aftermath of them breaking the cycle or whatever. In that case, the other “Packages” would be them breaking the cycle? I don’t know.

I’m not entirely sure how Gold Version would’ve worked in the end, but I was somehow going to write it so that the same story happened multiple times (at least parts 1 through 3 of going to the Pikmin planet, Super Smash Bros., and Kirby - not sure if any more than that would repeat or not since it never made it there). It’s framed as all the characters involved retelling the story and debating which version is right, but there was going to be some reveal that they’ve relived it multiple times and somehow time travel is probably involved.

I think the intention was that this is supposed to be the next cycle, but something went wrong that they remember already going instead of deciding to go again. The ideas make me think of the Rick and Morty episode ‘Total Rickall’ - the episode with the parasites that change people’s memories - but I never wrote enough of this to know for sure how I would’ve explained everything. (Note: for similarities with Rick and Morty, the explanation could be that the new characters are parasites that live off of erasing the old memories and causing them to repeat them - so not exactly the same, but still parasites could theoretically be involved since I never explained it).