Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

Project maintained by Tadukoo Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Lucario and Lickilicky's Adventure Blue Version

This was the original version of Lucario and Lickilicky’s Adventure. With the version numbering system I devised, it had gotten up to Version 59.

This is the table of contents for Lucario and Lickilicky's Adventure (Blue Version).

Part 1: Pikmin

Part 1 involves Lucario and Lickilicky going to the Pikmin Planet.

Part 2: Super Smash Bros.

Part 2 involves Lucario and Lickilicky's trip to the Super Smash Bros. World.

Part 3: Kirby

Part 3 involves Lucario and Lickilicky's trip to Kirby's Planet.

Blue version was my first version of the story, and I tracked changes as if it was software updates. Click here to see the list of version numbers for blue version.