Going-Ons of Tadukoo

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Lucario and Lickilicky's Adventure - Blue Version

Part 1: Pikmin

Chapter 4: Planted Heads

Lucario and Lickilicky went over to where Olimar, Louie, Orawil, and Wobres’ heads got planted in the ground. They looked like weird pikmin to pick from the ground. Lucario picked Olimar’s from the ground. He came up as a sky blue pikmin with Olimar’s head. Then he picked Louie out of the ground. He looked like an orange pikmin with Louie’s head. Lucario picked Orawil and Wobres from the ground. Orawil looked like a black pikmin with Orawil’s head and Wobres looked like a pink pikmin with his head. [Wobres is a boy].

Suddenly two things fell from the sky and hit Lucario on the head.

“What are these?” Lucario asked.

“Those are mine!” Olimar yelled. They searched all day for a way to get home. They failed.

The Next Day

“Do you know a way for me to get home?” Lucario asked.

“I’ll tell you if we can come,” Olimar answered.

“Okay, you guys can come,” Lucario replied.

“Yes!” Olimar exclaimed. “You know the two things that hit you on the head yesterday?”

“Yes,” Lucario answered.

“Well … one of those things was a teleporter,” Olimar said. “We can use it to get home.”

“Why didn’t you use it yesterday?” Lucario asked.

“I forgot,” Olimar replied.

Suddenly a bright light appeared.

“I’m blind!” everyone except Olimar yelled.

“Wait, I see something,” Lucario said.

“We’re on Mars!” Lickilicky yelled.

“Olimar, I thought we were going to my planet,” Lucario said.

“Why didn’t you ever tell us about the teleporter?” Louie, Orawil, and Wobres asked.

“Whoah, There’s a ton of onions here!” Lickilicky said.

There was blue, red, purple, yellow, green, brown, black, white, orange, sky blue, and pink, twenty of each.

Chapter 4 Review

Answers to Previous Questions

        22. Olimar’s teleporter
        24. Yes
        26. Weird pikmin
        29. Yes
        31. He forgot

Unanswered Previous Questions

        5. Will Lucario’s ship work again?
        23. Where is Lucario’s ship?
        25. Who is Lucario’s son?
        27. Who is Lucario’s wife if he has a son?
        28. Does Lucario have more than one child?
        30. What was Olimar’s dream for?

Chapter 4 Questions

        32. Why are they on Mars?
        33. What’s with all the onions on Mars?

Extra Questions

        8. Will there be sneak-peeks?

        9. What happened from days 3-9,999,998?
Sometimes I will put special things about those days on my website.

        10. Will there ever be new characters?

Previous: Chapter 3: Many Days Later...

Next: Chapter 5: Pikmin!