Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

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Tadukoo Bible Commands Guide

This guide explains the commands for Tadukoo Bible.




/bible [book] [chapter:verse] [translation]
/bible [alias] [book] [chapter] [verse] [translation]
/bible favorite:# [translation]
/bible favorite <#> [translation]
/bible send <player> <book> <chapter:verse> [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
/bible send <player> favorite:# [translation] [anonymous] [bypass] 
/bible send <player> favorite <#> [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
/bible previous [type] [translation]
/bible next [translation]
/bible last [translation]
/bible favorite [book] [chapter] [verse] [translation]
/bible random [book] [chapter] [translation]
/bible getbook [book|"list"|random|previous:previousType|next:nextType|last] 
       [part] [translation] [?]
/bible sendbook <player> <book> <part> [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
/bible statistics [player|top] [statistic]
/bible info [translation|book|permission|"plugin"|"books"|
             "translations"|"permissions"] [page]
/bible help [page|keyword]
/bible plugin
/bible books [page|book]
/bible translation [translation]
/bible permission [permission]
/bible config <setting> [value]
/bible announce <book> <chapter> <verse> [translation]
/bible announce <book> <chapter":"verse> [translation]
/bible announce favorite:# [translation]
/bible announce favorite <#> [translation]
/apocrypha help