Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.
This guide explains the commands for Tadukoo Bible.
<Required Parameter>
[Optional Parameter]
[This Parameter|Or This Parameter]
<"Type exactly this">
["You could type exactly this"]
can be replaced with /b
may be replaced with an, anon, or anony.[chapter:verse]
may be replaced with [chapter] [verse]
. (also <chapter:verse>
with <chapter> <verse>
)/bible [book] [chapter:verse] [translation]
/bible [alias] [book] [chapter] [verse] [translation]
/bible favorite:# [translation]
/bible favorite <#> [translation]
defaults to Genesis.[chapter]
defaults to 1.[verse]
defaults to 1.[translation]
defaults to whatever is set in the config.yml, which is KJV by default.[chapter]
and [verse]
can be replaced with #, info, or ?.
will show book info.[verse]
will show the number of verses in the chapter you chose./bible send <player> <book> <chapter:verse> [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
/bible send <player> favorite:# [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
/bible send <player> favorite <#> [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
makes it so you are anonymous in sending the verse.
makes it so you can bypass verse sending settings.
/bible previous [type] [translation]
can be verse, v, chapter, chp, book, or b.
/bible next [translation]
/bible last [translation]
/bible favorite [book] [chapter] [verse] [translation]
may be replaced with list and [chapter] with [page] to view a list of favorited verses./bible random [book] [chapter] [translation]
/bible getbook [book|"list"|random|previous:previousType|next:nextType|last]
[part] [translation] [?]
/bible getbook "list" [translation]
gives you a book that lists all the books for that translation./bible getbook previous
will give you the previous book.
/bible getbook next
will give you the next book.
./bible getbook last
will give you the book you got last time you typed the command./bible getbook random
will give you a random book.[book]
defaults to Genesis.[part]
defaults to 1.[translation]
defaults to whatever is set in the config.yml.[part]
is not the chapter./bible sendbook <player> <book> <part> [translation] [anonymous] [bypass]
defaults to whatever is set in the config.yml.[anonymous]
allows you to send the book anonymously.
allows you to bypass book sending settings.
/bible statistics [player|top] [statistic]
/bible info [translation|book|permission|"plugin"|"books"|
"translations"|"permissions"] [page]
/bible help [page|keyword]
/bible plugin
/bible books [page|book]
/bible translation [translation]
/bible permission [permission]
/bible config <setting> [value]
can be changed to list to list all the settings./bible announce <book> <chapter> <verse> [translation]
/bible announce <book> <chapter":"verse> [translation]
/bible announce favorite:# [translation]
/bible announce favorite <#> [translation]
/apocrypha help