Going-Ons of Tadukoo

Ramblings about my programming, beliefs, videos, and more.

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Lucario and Lickilicky's Adventure - LeafGreen Version

Part 1: Pikmin

Prologue: The Beginning of the End

Notes (on how bold + such is used)

This story is set up like a journal/ diary that a character, who will be revealed in a later chapter, is writing.

November 8, 50,000 AD

I felt my cold, sweat covered thumb slowly pulling back towards me the small silver metal trigger, as I heard an ear-piercing sound coming from the silver killing machine located in the palm of my sweaty hand. I’m getting ahead of myself; I’m going to start with where it all began.

The following pages have wider spaces between the lines, making them appear as if they came from a different book.

April 4, 2000 AD

The bright, yellow-orange sun was rising that morning when I heard what sounded like a thousand footsteps assaulting a paved road coming from a distance. I ignored this, paying attention to rapidly and accurately pressing the shiny white buttons on my wii remote and tilting the joystick on the plain white part attached to it (also known as a nunchuck), as the pixels on my oversized entertainment machine (known to many as a television) changed their colors to fit what the white box (wii) was telling it. Something disrupted this, as shown by the fact that I found myself pressing the button with a blue house on it, which brought a massive distraction up on the TV. It turns out that it was a blue and black creature of the species Lucario, but most people, or pokémon for that matter, just call him Leon.

“What are you doing?” he asked me, as I twiddled my thumbs.

“I’m about to beat Master Hand,” I replied as I rolled my eyes, “Give me a break.” (I was actually about to beat Tabuu, not Master Hand, not that it matters much.)

“You’ve beaten Master Hand about a thousand times. It’s your turn to clean the kitchen; after all, you are the one who just had to make a Master Hand sandwich,” he sarcastically remarked.

A Master Hand sandwich is two pieces of bread, which are then toasted. Then you place strawberry jelly on one slice, grape jelly on the other slice, and a piece of cheddar cheese between them.

“It was a Crazy Hand sandwich!” I yelled, “There’s a huge difference!”

“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” he questioned as I started eating my Crazy Hand sandwich, which I had forgotten about until this point.

“A Crazy Hand sandwich has salt.” I replied with my mouth full as some salt fell out of the sandwich.

“In that case, it sounds even worse,” he stated while making a face of disgust which is looked so disgustingly gross that it’s too terrible to describe in words.

“Whatever,” I mumbled. “Why don’t you just go on an adventure already? You’ve been complaining for twenty-five years that you want to, yet you never do anything about it. It’s like lying in bed saying you want to get out of bed, yet you keep lying there.”

“First of all, twenty-five years ago was when I was born, from yesterday to be exact. It was only ten years ago I started complaining about it, which was the same day I got a job,” he explained.

“So you started complaining you wanted to go on an adventure when you got a job? That’s pretty dumb; I mean you shouldn’t have gotten a job then; you should’ve just gone on an adventure instead.” At this point I noticed a gray suited figure with a glass dome over his head, who we all call Olimar, stealing cookies from Leon’s cookie jar. I smirked at him and looked back at Leon.

“I couldn’t, I didn’t have enough money to pay off my mansion or go on an adventure,” he paused for a second and looked at the ceiling. ”And I can’t even take vacation time yet.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“The factory I work at has strange rules. One of those is I can’t take vacation until the August 11th that occurs after I work for ten years there.”

I stopped talking to him, because I was fed up with arguing about his work rules, and I wanted to beat Tabuu quickly.

It turns out I didn’t beat Tabuu today, he would’ve died if I hit him one more time, but I had 100 percent damage on my last life and he used the attack where he stretches his arms out and shows his “butterfly wings”, and beams shoot out from him, giving almost a definite kill to anything on the screen.

That night Jacob and Thomas yelled at me for arguing with Leon, saying that all of us live in his mansion, so we should show him respect.